ICMediaDirect - Critical Importance Of Monitoring Mentions
ICMediaDirect – Critical Importance Of Monitoring Mentions

Observing information on the web is so crucial to online reputation management. Optimized SEO, keeping ahead of brand mentions and digital reviews, and augmenting the positive impact that social media accounts can have are the key pillars to a strategic management plan. Explained thoroughly in a story by Richard Lorezen entitled “The Impact of Online Reputation on Your Company’s Success,” almost 70 percent of all consumers will consult reviews before they make a purchase. Lorezen goes further, stating “more than half of consumers use the internet to learn about a brick-and-mortar store or company before they do business with someone.”

Read more: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ic-media-direct-reputation-management-044523924.html

ICMediaDirect – Critical Importance Of Monitoring Mentions

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