ICMediaDirect Discusses Benefits Of Best Reviews For Local Brands
ICMediaDirect Discusses Benefits Of Best Reviews For Local Brands

A recent survey has found that 9 out of 10 people respond to internet reviews, with responders suggesting they consider them as important as a personal recommendation from a friend. Leading PR firm ICMediaDirect recognizes the significance of reputation management and works with brands to take advantage of this data. The results – formulated into this infographic by Invesp – show just how crucial reputation management is in the online sphere. The findings also state that customers are willing spend up to 31% more money on the services of businesses with “excellent” reviews. 72% of responders only make purchases after seeing a positive review. See your company’s Online Reputation Report now, by visiting http://www.icmediadirect.com.

Read more: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/icmediadirect—-reputation-management—-ic-media-direct-recognizes-the-importance-of-online-reviews-2016-06-12

ICMediaDirect Discusses Benefits Of Best Reviews For Local Brands

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